"एक महत चेतना की सशक्त धारा आ रही है, जिसके प्रवाह में राष्ट्रों की पूर्वाग्रहों और संकीर्णताओं की दीवारें चूर चूर हो जायेंगी और तब विश्व के समस्त राष्ट्र प्रेम का महोत्सव मनाएंगे|"- ठाकुर दयानंद देव


श्री ठाकुर दयानंद देव (१८८१-१९३७)

श्री ठाकुर दयानंद देव (१८८१-१९३७)

Arunachal Mission founded in January 1909 at Cacher (three miles away from Silchar town) in Assam, by Shri Shri Thakur Dayanand Dev.

In January 1909, to give body to his great and grand Idea, the Great Master Shri Shri Thakur Dayanand Dev founded the Arunachal Ashram and the Arunachal Mission. Long before he gave his Scheme to the world, He set himself to work it out in his ashram, in the lives of his disciples.

The ashram was a religious home, dedicated to God, where men and women, workers of the Mission, were to live for, with, and in God. It was a Brotherhood, a Commonwealth. God is the one Giver, who supplies all men’s needs and ours was to place full, complete, and absolute reliance on him. The Mission has no funds but what God brings from day to day. All that God brought, of course through the hands of men, but unasked and unsought, was to be shared by the members, each according to need. The sense of private property was mercifully effaced from their minds.

It was a Union with a President. And the first President was a Woman.

The Temple of the Divine Mother was open to all. Bramhin and Sudra, untouchable, lived together, worked hand in hand, sat side by side and partook of Prasad, food first offered to God and then shared by members.

In course of time four more ashrams grew up. Society, the guardians of the established order of things, were vehemently against the teachings of the Master. The Police were suspicious and haunted the steps of the Master and the members everywhere. The British Government apprehended danger.

At Jagatshi Ashram, the Mission had started a Nam-Yagna, a ceaseless vigil and prayer, singing and chanting the name of God, with the declared object.

“To bring down the Rein of Love on Earth
by the power of prayer.”

Police oppression and harassment intensified. India’s Day of Independence was drawing nigh !

On June 30-1912, the Great Master made a Declaration, protesting against this undue interference with the people’s religion and concluding:

“From the consideration of Dharma alone,
we dissolve the relation of Ruler and Ruled.”

That day British Rule in India Ended.

On July 8-1912, armed men led by British Officers, charged a body of unarmed men, women, and children, engaged in prayer, chanting the name of God, bayoneted, and mercilessly beat them, bound them, and broke up the prayer that had continued for three months and a half. A disciple, Rishi Yugananda, died of gunshot wound.The Master with 12 disciples were charged with rioting and thrown into prison.

That was the play at Jagatshi ! A grand play, the First Scene in the Drama of world liberation ! We payed our part, our British brethren theirs. No one was to blame. It was part of the Divine Drama ! When, presently the fog is lifted, we embrace each other, and rejoice ! East and West shall, in this age, be knit in one indissoluble matrimony !

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